Almine Rech
39 E 78th St
New York, NY 10075
Opening Reception: Thursday, May 3, 6-8PM.
Emily Mason will be included in “Gesture & Form: Women in Abstraction” at Almine Rech New York, on view until June 15, 2024.
From the exhibition press release:
“The show highlights the multiplicity that can be found within abstract painting, demonstrating how artists have explored different methods to push the capabilities of the paint medium. With works by Helen Frankenthaler, Vivian Springford, Emily Mason, and Heather Day, viewers will be able to see how the artists activated their bodies to flood canvases with pigment, staining the surfaces with thin layers that swirl over and around each other.”
— Ferren Gipson, art historian, writer, and textile artist
For more information, please visit: Almine Rech