Untitled, 1929
Untitled (Painting #1), 1929
Winter, 1930
Spring, 1931
Colorstructive Abstraction (White, Black, Red, Blue, & Yellow), 1944
Purple Median, 1945
Emergent Form, 1945
Latitude of Identical Shapes, 1945
Bearings Charted with Yellow, 1946
Bearings in Transition, 1946
L’Hasard, 1948-1949
Staff, Distaff, and Rod, 1952
Mobile Tensions, 1954
The Barberry Hedge, 1954-1955
Pale Column, 1956
Suspension Points (Surface Winds), 1959
The First Magnitude, 1959-1960
Magnitude of Memory, 1962
Dark Pressure, 1963
The Saffron Pitch, 1963
Bearings, 1965
Paradox #7, Low Key Spectroscope, 1969